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Third Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art: Against Exclusion

September 25 - November 1, 2009

Garage was proud to host the Third Moscow Biennale Against Exclusion by French curator Jean-Hubert Martin and Commissioner of the Moscow Biennale Joseph Backstein.

The show brought together over seventy international artists to illustrate the process of globalisation and national self-identification. It explored the idea that ‘it is no longer possible to live in isolation, ignoring your neighbors’ in today’s globalized world, as artists also drew on aesthetic and cultural references from different countries for their work, they could also be seen to share themes.  Shared references and themes could be seen in the drawings of the African artist Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, as he told the myths of his tribe, the lubok pictures by the Ukrainian artist Stas Volyazlovsky and work by the Russian outsider artist Alexander Lobanov. All their work at Against Exclusion, explored variations on the theme of identity.  Identity connected to national, social, gender, racial, ethnic, ecological, and political themes were also explored in the work of Marina Abramović, Vik Muniz, Pavel Pepperstein, Yinka Shonibare. Other artists examined the evolution of form within art through the work of Anish Kapoor, Tony Cragg, Dmitry Gutov, Heinz Mack and Markus Raetz.


78 international artists:
28 (Western Europe); 13 (Russia); 9 (Africa); 8 (US); 7 (Australia); 4 (India); 4 (Japan);2 (China); 1 (Brazil); 1 (Cuba); 1 (Ukraine).

Jean-Hubert Martin Curator Profile

Jean-Hubert Martin (b.1944, Strasbourg, France) is one of the art world’s most authoritative international curators. He was the director of Kunsthalle in Bern (1982–1985), the Museum of Modern Art — Centre Georges Pompidou (1987–1990), Museum of African and Oceania Art in Paris (1994–1999), Kunst Palast in Düsseldorf (1999–2006). Currently he curates the Union of French national museums.

He has curated a large number of exhibitions including a retrospective of Man Ray, Francis Picabia, Paris – Berlin and Paris – Moscow, Magiciens de la terre,a retrospective of MalevichHe has also curated Biennale all over the world, including Sydney (1982, 1993), Johannesburg (1995), San Paulo (1996), and Lyons (2000).

His latest curatorial projects include the exhibition Africa Remix (Kunst Palast museum, Düsseldorf, 2004); which was also shown in London, Paris, Tokyo, Stockholm, and Johannesburg, Artempo (Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, 2007) and Un image peut en cache un autre (Grand Palais, Paris, 2009).


Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Moscow Government
State Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSIZO
Moscow Biennale Art Foundation

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