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20th Century Art-20 Revolutionaries: Edward Hopper – Realism in CinematographyIrina Kulik
April 10, Sunday
After Duchamp, the idea of ‘value’ changed in art. With concept gaining a
heightened importance, new questions could be asked of the artist: what
research went into the idea of the work? How did it add to the assemblage of
the piece? In what ways was the art world lacking before this artist entered
the scene? These questions belong to the founder of conceptualism, Joseph
Kosuth, who first set forth his idea in Art and Philosophy. This series of
lectures looks at 20 key artists of the twentieth century who contributed to
the revolutions and counter revolutions that nurtured contemporary art. Irina Kulik, art critic, culture expert, PhD, lecturer at IPCA and Studio-School of MkHAT, columnist at Culture paper and author of numerous publications on contemporary art, music and cinema.
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