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Texts on art: the secret experimentsAnastasia Mityushina
December 14, Tuesday
One could talk about art and one could write about it. Newspaper review, an
essay in the magazine, press release, announcement in the news, artist
monograph, art detective story, diploma work and dissertation, a post in LJ or
Facebook status – all are the variations of the same thing, text. The two basic
ingredients of the ‘text’ are the author’s opinion and the informative, factual
content, but the two can be mixed at the author’s judgement. The recipes for
creating an art text is being shared this autumn by experienced art critics,
journalists, bloggers and art historians. This master class is dedicated to the
press release, its informative function and how often it is misleading. Art and
text are inextricably linked, and never more so than today. Anastasia Mityushina (b. 1982) – art historian, art criticist.
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