Events |
The Power of ShapeLuigi Colani
October 6, Wednesday
Design crosses many boundaries, and there is no-one better to illustrate
this than Luigi Colani. A Designer-Futurist, Colani studied sculpture in Berlin
and aerodynamics in Paris, and his eclectic catalogue of designs includes
sports cars, catamarans, furniture, cameras, motorcycles, mineral water
bottles, piano and jewellery. Colani will discuss the relationship between form
and content, and reveal the secrets behind the most famous futuristic projects
of today. Luigi Colani - German conceptual designer, one of the founders of the
bio-design which is one of the popular branches of industrial design. His
famous works include concept-cars for Porsche, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari,
and Ford. Luigi Colani (b. 1928) is a German conceptual designer. He is an inventor of biodesign, that is one of the most popular branches in industrial design nowadays. His famous works include concept cars for Porsche, Mazda, Mersedez-Benz, Ferrari, Ford. He has received numerous design awards.
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