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Society after Crisis: To Remember All

Boris Kagarlitsky
May 19, Wednesday

Gain an insight and perspective into the burning questions which have followed the recent economic crisis. Boris Kagarlitsky takes us through the lessons which society may have learnt. He will discuss why the crisis manifested itself at the end of the liberal era or after the failure of bureaucracy? Only one question has been answered is – can we predict the future of the economy – and the answer is no. Boris Kagarlitsky takes us on a journey to understand why.


Boris Kagarlitsky, sociologist, journalist and director of Institute of Studies for Globalisation. Fellow of the Research Society at Transnational Institute (Amsterdam). Winner of Deutscher Memorial Prize for his book The Thinking Reed (1988). Author of Restauration in Russia, Uprising of the Middle Class, Periphery Empire, Managed Democracy, Marxism: Not Recommended for Teaching.

Garage Auditorium,
Free Limited Places,
drop in early to avoid disappointment

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