Social utopianism of the avant-garde art has played a trick on it when it
turned out that the utopia of communism was launched.
The problem was that the artistic practices of constructivism and komfuturism
could be adequate only in a situation of permanent revolution.
But by the 1930s the trends of authoritarian politics and state capitalism
began to germinate in Soviet Russia, which put left-wing avant-garde aesthetic
doctrine in an awkward position - forcing it to perform uncharacteristic
ideological functions.
The lecture by PhD Igor Chubarova will be devoted to a range of issues related
to the historical transformation of the utopian project of the left-wing
avant-garde art.
LECTURER: Igor Chubarov (philosopher, director of the
publishing house Logos-Alter, collaborator of the Institute of Philosophy RAS).
The main field of his theoretical interests is avant-garde as a project of
transformation of society.